Jamal's Pen

The short story, Jamal's Pen was shortlisted for the Asian Writer Short Story Prize and included in the Five Degrees anthology published by Dahlia Publishing https://www.dahliapublishing.co.uk/product/five-degrees

The Nines

A short story included in the Beyond The Border anthology published by Dahlia Publishing https://www.dahliapublishing.co.uk/product/beyond-the-border

The Trial

The Trial is a short story published in the @Daily_Express Saturday magazine

How to Write Family Stories

Feature for Writers Online https://www.writers-online.co.uk/how-to-write/how-to-write-family-stories-in-fiction/

Writing Practice

Feature for Bookbrunch https://www.bookbrunch.co.uk/page/free-article/writing-practice-is-a-way-of-life/

The Books That Made Me

Blog post for Booka Bookshop https://www.bookabookshop.co.uk/blog/nilopar-uddin-guest-blog/